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Best Ways To Publish Post From WordPress To Facebook

Writing as well as publishing content on WordPress site takes sufficient time by itself. After that going to Facebook and post url links can become extremely prolonged that it can be hard to get everything done properly. When you add link on top of that, the requirement to post scheduling for particular times, implies that you schedule every single post; you might begin to question how you get enough time for doping anything else.

Actually, there are a few methods that this’ll save you enough time and keep you away from requiring visiting Facebook and publish every post. One method around this is to publish your updates directly from WordPress. Here we are guiding you about post scheduling to Facebook and how it works and a few simple options for speeding things up.

Schedule Facebook Posts


Do you think about scheduling your Facebook posts to be scheduled with your WordPress website posts? Well, three are so many methods for doing the same. A few options involve manual scheduling, whereas some others involve a more usual option.

Facebook’s Scheduler

There is an in-built tool in Facebook for the posting system. Let’s see how this tool works. Well, the process is quite easy. You just need to write your post as normal. Rather than clicking on the button to publish your content, choose the drop-down box and then click on the Schedule Post. Select the preferred time and date you would like your content to be scheduled for. You are done here. Your post will get published automatically at your chosen time. The only setback with the post scheduling is that you need to personally visit the Facebook, upload your post and then schedule every post on your own. It functions properly, however it doesn’t help you save your time. Another setback is the first it will allow post scheduling within ten minutes from now.


You may wish to post your content sooner than that. In that case, you either require posting it by yourself, or pick a completely dissimilar method. A superior method is to perform post scheduling automatically from one control panel. You can create content and then schedule them without requiring uploading them one by one and schedule them by yourself. If you handle a Facebook page then you can find out what applications were employed for making the post. To another person it simply looks like a normal post. Thus you can be present on your Facebook page without really require being there. Here is the list of some popular applications that can do these tasks flawlessly.

  1. Hootsuite


Two methods are there to post scheduling from Hootsuite. The first method is to make use of the Hootsuite app. This app works great, but you need to leave your WordPress site and visit Hootsuite. This app will post whatever you write in it, however what if you wish to post straight to Facebook from your WordPress site? RSS feed is the solution for this problem. Also, you can add Hootsuite in your WordPress control panel with the use of WordPress plugin. This gives many benefits. First of all, let’s understand the working of Hootsuite, and after that we will see the plugin and its connected benefits.

The Hootsuite App

This application has several amazing features related to post scheduling. All you need to do is write your content and then pick the preferred time and date you want your content to post. You can select the time in five-minute additions. You can subscribe to get an e-mail from their side whenever you content is posted. Auto-scheduling is another great feature in this app. You get the facility to schedule maximum of 10 posts daily, pick the times to publish between, and also pick the days to post. After that, you simply need to write your message and then Hootsuite will handle all the work. Hootsuite will post to you personal timeline, groups, and pages. All these attributes are the element of the free membership of Hootsuite account.

Everything is awesome, but you need to create your posts only in Hootsuite. Do you want this app to publish your WordPress content straight to Facebook? Well, this can be done with the help of RSS feed. The RSS feed will get posted to your official Facebook page. You will need to do below things –

  • Just provide the URL of your feed
  • Specify the network where you want to send the links
  • Select how frequently it must check your RSS feed for latest posts
  • Select the number of posts to publish simultaneously
  • Select whether to post a link or a part of the content
  • Decide whether to cover the link preview or not
  • prepend your message
  • select the URL shortener that you wish to use

if you choose it for checking your feed after every hour, then inform it to send a post to simultaneously to Facebook, then your new posts will be automatically published in an hour when they get posted into your WordPress website.

The Hootsuite Plugin – post scheduling and publishing Directly from WordPress


This wonderful plugin takes all of the functionality directly from the application and adds it to your WordPress control panel. It works exactly like the Hootsuite application, however it provides you the ease of having everything in a single place. Despite that this plugin is similar to the application plus it works with the pro and free version of Hootsuite.


This plugin gives some very simple ways for publishing your WordPress posts into your Facebook account. You can make use of the buffer app for filling up the Buffer and post scheduling, or you can also set up one of the many Buffer plugins and operate it from your WordPress control panel. Let’s see both of the ways.

The Buffer Application

Buffer Application

When you make use of the buffer, you just need to enter your posts and the click on the Add-to-Queue button. Also, you can select the time and date for your post to be published. When you are done with the time selection then you can shift your posts just by dragging and dropping if you wish to publish them in a special order. The post timing remains with the location.

The other option is to allow buffer to do post scheduling for you. You can select the number of times in a day when you wish your posts being updated. Also, you can select the ideal time and date. Buffer will enable you to join to numerous profiles; hence you can schedule your post for over one profile from the same control panel. You just need to choose the next profile as a new tab and then begin posting to it. This app will also provides you analytics for every post, telling you the number of shares, likes and comments that every post received. You also have the option to see them by least popular, most popular, and recent etc. also; you can rebuffer any of your post.

One more advantage of using this app is that it will post to, Google+, LinkedIn, and Twitter, which is great. But there is just one problem with buffer. You need to visit buffer and then paste the snippets and links from your original posts. But, don’t worry; there is an easy way for this as well. You can make use of your buffer’s RSS feed which is available in the amazing plans. You will need to upgrade your free buffer plan to the new Awesome plan for 102 USD yearly to see  100 posts inside your Buffer, 10 social profiles, to integrate new posting schedules, to see export, posts by date, insights, and analysis. With the use of feed option, you can easily send your posts straight to Buffer hence you do not need to post them on your own. You can also use the buffer plugin to post your content automatically.

Making use of a Buffer Plugin – WordPress to Buffer

Well, there are a number of options for Buffer plugins. WordPress to Buffer is considered as a free plugin which perform anything that you want from it in a nice way. You can publish your posts anytime when you want, whether it be a custom post-type, a page, or a post, wordpress to buffer plugin will easily send the update to buffer. It simply needs your Buffer access-token. The benefit of using this plugin is that you can get all of the important scheduling features of buffer without requiring doing anything over publishing your content on WP.

Automatically Posting to Facebook

At what time you create new WordPress post, you can automatically get your posts to be uploaded. You can do this with the help of some plugins which is the simplest method. There are a number of plugins available in the market that will simply post your content to Facebook.

  1. Publicize

Jetpack Publicize is considered as the great plugin from Automattic. It enables you to automatically relocate your posts on your preferred social media networks. You need to decide whether you want this plugin to post your content on your Facebook group or to your personal profile. You also have the authority to get your post been viewed by few people, like you can hide your post from some of the particular friends, you can set its visibility as just yourself, or only your friends. This plugin is easy to use and easy to install.

You just need to publish your post normally and it will get posted on Facebook automatically for you. Facebook will select a picture that is of 200×200 resolution to set for you post. You can decide if this link is only accessible to you or every viewer of your blog. Your blog post will be posted on your Facebook account simultaneously when you post it to your WP website. This is one of the simplest plugin to use and set up.