When you install your WordPress website manually, move your WordPress website manually, or develop a php code to run your programming. You need a database…
Under PHP you need to use header() to send a raw HTTP header. Using headers()method, you can easily transferred to the new page without having…
IF your website is using cpanel system, your website root directory should be /home/yourusername/public-html directory. When anyone want to visit your website, the apache server…
Sometimes you donot need to run php code in all your folder such as your image folder. In your Image folder, add following codes: order…
we can redirect the non SSL query to your website to SSL port by using .htaccess file.This will help you to access the websites from…
Common Gateway Interface is abbreviated to CGI. This is a standard way for web servers to interface executable scripts with end users. Those executable scripts…
Server Side Includes (SSI) is a simple interpreted server-side scripting language used almost exclusively for the Web.The most frequent use of SSI is to include…
In case your web hosting account is not configured to server certain mime types with the proper content type. You can change this using .htaccess…
The index of a directory can come from one of two sources: A file written by the user, typically called index.html. The DirectoryIndex directive sets…
We often seen that some unidentified bots relentlessly use bandwidth of website that cause the loading speed of website become slow and affects the ranking…